Discord Community

Come join several hundreds of users of Scrite on Discord, where we discuss issues, ask questions, report bugs, post feature requests and more.

To join the Scrite community on Discord, please install the Discord app on your computer and create/login to your account there. Please note that your Discord login is distinct from your Scrite user account. Please read their terms and privacy policy before continuing.

Within the Discord app, click on the “Add a Server” icon on the left panel.

In the dialog box that pops up, click on the “Join a Server” button.

In the Invite Link field, paste the following invite and click on the “Join Server” button.


Shortly later, the Discord app will take you to the Scrite community. Please review the #rules channel before posting.

NOTE: Support requests on any medium other than Discord will not receive response.

NOTE: Kindly post messages on appropriate public channels in Discord. Please do not directly message team members of Scrite.