Articles Blogs

Titanic Story Breakdown Using Save The Cat

Blake Snyder’s Save The Cat technique has helped countless screenwriters over the years. While some find it too formulaic, others especially those in the beginning of their careers, find it a useful method to structure their stories coherently and overcome writer’s block. This method breaks down a screenplay into 15 essential beats, each serving a […]

Articles Blogs

Story Development: Turning an Idea into a Story

Ideas can emerge from anywhere and often do at unexpected times. Whether it’s a book you just came across, an article you chanced upon, an incident that happened to you or your friend, or by simply watching another movie – the initial inspiration can hardly be predicted or engineered. The more you consume and the […]

Articles Blogs

What is Blake Snyder’s Save The Cat Beat Sheet (with Examples)

Story frameworks help you map out your myriad ideas into a screenplay. In the year 2005, Blake Snyder famously introduced a 15 point beat sheet in his book book “Save The Cat”. It provides a set of 15 clearly defined elements that every screenplay should have. Additionally it also specifies what page or page range […]