We have just released an update to Scrite. This time we decided to not get very ambitious in terms of features, but to simply focus on bug fixes and stability. In this page we outline all the changes in this version. But if you just want to grab the update, then head to Download / Upgrade section and download it now.
If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to our team and community on Discord.
Table Of Contents
New Features
Scene titles are preserved while importing and exporting to Final Draft
Until version 0.9.3, Scrite would only import actual contents of the scene and ignore synopsis while importing from Final Draft (.fdx) files. With version 0.9.4, we not only import synopsis, but also export synopsis from Scrite whenever users choose to export their work to Final Draft. This makes compatibility with Final Draft a tad better.
Option to include timestamp in title page
While exporting screenplays to PDF, its now possible to check an option to include PDF generation timestamp. This helps in distinguishing various export versions by time, in addition to version number itself.
Option to generate acts and episodes from a new page in Notebook Report
This was a user requested feature. While generating a report from the Notebook tab, all acts and episodes would get generated in one flow. Now its possible to check an option to generate acts and episodes from a new page.
Omit Scenes
Until version 0.9.3, it was only possible to remove scenes from the screenplay, while retaining them in structure. From version 0.9.4f onwards, its possible to omit scenes.

Although omitted scenes remain in the screenplay, they are shown as omitted in the screenplay editor and also in exported PDF, ODT and Final Draft files. This feature is typically used to discard a scene, without altering scene numbers of already existing scenes.
Its possible to omit a bunch of scenes together at once, by selecting them on the scene list panel and selecting Omit from the context menu.
Its also possible to include omitted scenes by using the scene menu in the screenplay editor, or by right clicking on their headings in the scene list panel.
Auto Open Last File
With version 0.9.4f, its now possible to have Scrite automatically open the last file upon startup. This feature is disabled by default, to stay in line with the behaviour of the app thus far. But you can explicitly enable this in Settings.

Windows Installers are now Digitally Signed with an EV certificate.
Until version 0.9.4a, all Windows versions of Scrite were digitally signed with an OV certificate. This meant that users would have had to confirm their intent to install Scrite multiple times.
Starting with version 0.9.4f, we now digitally sign Scrite using a new (and more expensive) EV certificate issued by Sectigo. This means that Scrite installers will be treated like any other approved software and therefore users will not be bothered with questions to confirm their intent to download and install Scrite. As such the product remains same, but due the use of EV certificate, it now has instant reputation among Windows 10 and 11 installations worldwide.
Bug Fixes
- Slow rendering while placing and sizing image annotation items on the structure canvas
- Problem selecting from similar sounding names in auto-complete popup
- Act notes were not exported in notebook export
- Undo on transliterated text would erase entire paragraphs and scenes, with no possibility of redoing them to revert.
- Coverpage photo was not getting updated, one had to remove and add a new one.
- Spelling mistakes would highlight on index cards even after disabling Spell Check in settings
- Loading from a backup in “new window” would cause login error
- Fixed a crash upon startup.
Invitation to report bugs and post feature requests
If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to our team and community on Discord. Much of the new features and bug fixes in recent versions of Scrite were a result of community participation. We invite you join us on Discord and help us make this product better.